Friday 16 January 2015

Beyond cloud nine greg spry

Beyond Cloud Nine

Greg Spry

 star read
Reviewer: Emily
Author: Greg Spry
 Genre: Sci-fi

About Book

Ace star fighter pilot Brooke Davis lives for pushing hundreds of gees in orbital combat, but she’d give it all up in a moment to become the first human to fly faster than light. When Brooke stumbles upon a conspiracy involving terrorists, aliens, and the highest levels of government, she finds their goals seductive but their methods abhorrent. With the moral core of human civilization hanging in the balance, she must risk her shot at history, her family, and her life to prevent the schemers from forcing their nefarious brand of salvation upon the solar system.
My Thoughts

Ok This book has taken me a very long time to write and come up with a review, busy season and all plus i was mind blown. 
I received this book in the goodreads give way in exchange for an honest review so here is goes. 
Beyond cloud nine is not something i would normally pick up, not because it does not have an interesting plot line or beautiful cover because it has both, but because it was more sic-fi than paranormal but i am beyond glad i have had the privilege to read such an amazing book. 

From the first page i was hooked, the main character was female and a strong, determined character. There was never a dull moment, each page had me hurrying to get on with the next, i was pleased with Brooke being a main character in a sic-fi novel compared to the usual male and was even more pleased that she wasn't a damsel being saved all the time. 

Every obstacle in this book was handled well, scientifically sound and brilliantly written, i could hardly believe is was a debut novel. 

Greg Spry is an author i will be on the lookout for in the future. The book was addictive in the best way and will be recommending it.

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